Tools + Help = System = Success

My investor package includes everything you need to put together your own system for evaluating distressed properties.....get the confidence you need to buy your first property or expand your business.

Includes Everything You See Below!

Access to all InvestWell products + customization + quick start training

  • The After Repaired Value Calculator

    Estimate the market value of any house using the same method appraisers use.

  • The Rehab Offer Calculator

    Instantly calculate repair costs and the right offer price for any fixer upper house.

  • The Home Remodeling Cost Calculator

    Estimate house repair costs like a contractor using your tablet, smartphone, PC or Mac

  • 3 Hours Dedicated Time

    I’ll spend 3 hours customizing, adding your cost lists to my calculators, reviewing properties you’re considering or doing quick start training.

  • Offer Calculator

    Spreadsheet that calculates the maximum offer price based on repairs and purchase/holding/selling costs

  • 385 House Labor and Material Repair Costs

    Spreadsheet with 385 current Labor and Materials costs for the most common fixer upper house repairs.

  • Full Access to the InvestWell Customer Center

    Download all my calculators and files as often as you like.  Includes access to any new files or calculators added in the future.

  • Unlimited Email Support

    I usually interact with customers via webinar or phone during the 3 hour dedicated time.  After that you get free unlimited lifetime email support.

Get Started NowFull Access, Customization, Quick Start Training
Friday March 14, 2025

Are You Wasting Time and Money Trying to Build Spreadsheets or Learn Software on Your Own?

The Power of the System

Dan Kennedy, a famous marketing consultant, made a point in one of his books that has stuck with me for years.  He said that the reason that McDonald's has always been far more successful than Burger King is not that McDonald's has better's that they have better systems. 

Visit a McDonald's and you'll witness a well designed process that results in your food being ready in minutes, even if the restaurant is busy.

Visit a Burger King and the folks behind the counter are tripping over each other trying to service 2 cars in the drive thru.

Think about any successful business that you're familiar with and you will be able to easily identify the repeatable system that they use over and over everyday. And you need a system to be successful in your real estate investing business.  A process that works and that can be used over and over to achieve predictable results.  Real estate investing is a numbers game.  If you get the numbers right most of the time, you'll be successful.  Having a system gives you a far better chance of getting it right.

How I Got It Wrong

When I started investing in fixer upper houses again seriously about 15 years ago, I'd pick a cost range and then make sure it looked like enough to cover the big repairs (like replacing windows and doors) + had some $s left for the minor items (like painting and yard cleanup).   If it didn't, I'd add $s to create an overall repair amount that I was more comfortable with.

But in the end, I was still "eyeballing it."  The result was almost constant worry from the time my offer was accepted thru the time the property was complete. Would I make a profit?  Worse, did I even have enough $s to complete the project?  Were the finishes I could afford high enough quality to attract buyers or even good renters?

The Turning Point for Me

When I bought a property for around 50% of its true market value and based on this method predicted a 30% equity gain...but ended up with around a 12% equity gain (that would have been almost completely wiped out had I sold the property), I decided enough was enough.  I couldn't go on like this. I spent a lot of time thinking about the investors I had worked with over 20 years as a Realtor and mortgage broker.  Most of them were doing the same thing I was (and were experiencing the same results)...but I remembered a few who were different.

The investors I knew that were getting serious results—all had a system that they used to evaluate every property that came their way.  They also managed each project exactly the same way. Smart-Idea-150x150And that's what I was missing.  I needed a system based on estimating all costs quickly and accurately so that I knew exactly how much I could offer on any property.  This would also allow me to quickly evaluate any contractor's bid and decide whether it was fair or not....and also its impact on my overall budget. That's when I invested the time to create the Rehab Offer Calculator house flipping spreadsheet.  The tool proved to be so useful and unique that I started offering it to other investors via the Internet.  I soon built other calculators that my customers were asking for creating the full suite of InvestWell products.

It's Gotta Work for You....or You Aren't Going to Use It

Since launching my first fixer upper house calculator in 2008, I've had the opportunity to talk to some of the thousands of real estate investors who've downloaded my products.  These conversations usually start out with a very specific question which leads to a more general discussion about buying fixer upper houses.

One thing that I've learned from talking to all of these real estate investors is that while most realized that they needed a system that they could use to evaluate fixer upper houses and manage renovation projects, they either didn't have the time or ability to put one together that would work for their unique situation.

-Many had spent a great deal of time trying to build their own spreadsheet or checklist before finding my tools.

-Others had purchased other software that they never took the time to learn....or didn't exactly work for their situation.

-Some weren't confident that they could figure out what to pay for a fixer upper house - so never got started or were afraid to buy a second house after their first effort didn't work out like they planned.

The beginners I talked to often lacked the confidence to pull the trigger on their first deal - they needed someone who was experienced to check their analysis.


So I decided to begin offering the investor package to help overcome these challenges.


Whether you

  • struggle with understanding how to use all your devices together,
  • need to include non-standard repair items or materials
  • aren't totally confident with your ability to determine a safe offer price on a fixer upper house
  • or just don't have the time to learn how to use spreadsheets and software yourself

- I can help you get going quickly so that you can buy more houses.

The investor package includes full access to my customer center where you can download all my products as often as you want.....including products I add in the future.

It also includes 3 hours of my time that you can use any way you want - customizing a tool with your repair line items, desktop reviews of properties that you are considering, adding your cost lists to my tools or one on one training so that you can start using InvestWell calculators immediately.  Use right away or later the choice is yours.

What It Really Costs to Do It Yourself

You might say, "I got it and yes I do need to put together a repeatable process that I can use to buy fixer upper houses, but I can't see paying someone to help me do it.  I'll just set aside some time and do it myself."  Most people probably can do it themselves, but it's at a tremendous cost.


Did you ever hear the story about the guy who was having car problems and pulled into the gas station?  The mechanic listens to the guy describe what's wrong with the car, opens the hood, replaces a 6 inch piece of hose and tells the guy to start the car.  The car runs like it's new.  The mechanic says "that'll be $106."  The guy who owns the car nearly flips his lid.  "$106 for a 6 inch piece of hose - that's ridiculous!"   The mechanic says, "The hose is only $6, the $100 is for knowing that it was the problem."

Our car owner could have probably gone home, spent a few hours on the internet, called a few friends and with a little trial and error would have figured it out.  But instead of his issue being fixed in 15 minutes, it may have taken all day to get to the point where he replaced the hose and finally fixed the problem.  Like most people, he chose to spend a little money to save a lot of time by getting help from someone who did the work every day.

and that's what I'm offering you

  • Access to Every InvestWell Tool (Total Value $198)
  • 3 Hours Dedicated Customization, Desktop Review and Quick Start Time (Total Value $270 @ $90/hour*)- use anytime
  • Unlimited Ongoing Email Support (Total Value $90)
*$90/hr is based on the rates an Excel Consulting service I sometimes use charges.  they charge $90/hr for spreadsheet work and $200/hr for phone consultation.  and they don't have any real estate experience that I know of!  Hiring an Excel consultant can be even more expensive. 

That's over $550 worth of products and services for just


Satisfaction Guarantee

  1. 100% NO TIME LIMIT, NO QUESTIONS ASKED money back guarantee.  If at any time you don’t feel as though you got full value from my service, let me know and I’ll refund the full purchase price.  (no sneaky restocking or processing fees either)
  2.  The “Best Package” guarantee.  Find a better package of calculators + dedicated help and I’ll not only refund your money, I’ll pay for the other package for you too!

Still Not Convinced?

Let's say you make $50,000/year.  That means your time is worth roughly $25 an hour.

It took me well over 100 hours to build just one of my products, the Rehab Offer Calculator spreadsheet.  Let's say you're twice as good as me at Excel and twice as knowledgeable about home renovations.   You're still going to spend 50 hours ($1,250) building your single calculator and when you're done you still won't have the After Repaired Value Calculator or my tablet/smartphone Home Remodeling Cost Calculator.

MOST IMPORTANTLY:  How many fixer upper house opportunities did you miss out on while you spent 50 hours creating a spreadsheet?   Does it make sense to do it yourself when you can get a quick start on the path to investments that should make you tens of thousands by spending just $299?

order now


I Want to Talk to Don Before I Order