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You Have At Least a 1 in 4 Chance of Losing Money Buying Fixer Upper Houses if You Aren't Doing This

There's a simple way to eliminate the stress and worry that comes along with investing tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in a property that needs repairs

March 14, 2025

From The Desk Of Don Petrasek -Cleveland, Ohio

Dear Real Estate Investor,

If you'd like to minimize your risk when buying fixer upper houses then it's a good thing you found my site. I'm going to show you how to estimate repair costs like a contractor and make offers that virtually guarantee you whatever level of profit you're looking for.....without running the risk of bidding lower than you have to and losing the property.  I'm also going to show you how to make sure contractors don't take advantage of you.

A House Flipping Statistic that Should Alarm You...

The San Francisco California real estate market is well known for its consistent lack of inventory...and resulting high prices. 

But despite this huge advantage, 30% of all house flippers lost money in this market in 2006 at the height of one of the best market conditions you and I will probably ever see.  And the average loss was $40,200 - enough to pay cash for an entry level BMW or Mercedes!  So not only were they forced to do a lot of work and manage a lot of stress - but also had to buy someone a luxury car when they got done!

And I didn't make this up.  Its a statistic compiled by a company with 47 years experience in the real estate information industry.....and one that's widely available on the internet.

Its also not a fluke or something unique to only one market in the United States.  In fact, 26% of all house flippers lost money in 2006.  They took an average loss of $16,814.

The reason these real estate investors all lost money at the peak of a real estate boom market is pretty simple.....they paid too much for the property and/or invested too much in repairs because they didn't have a system in place to accurately estimate repairs and determine a safe offer price.

Now I'm not suggesting that they all just "winged it" - most people don't do that when tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars are on the line.  But they almost for sure guessed on at least some costs and likely didn't recognize the impact of others (like insuring a vacant property that's in disrepair).

One real estate guru goes as far as suggesting that you create 3 repair cost price points - say $5,000, $10,000 and $20,000 and just use one based on the condition of the house instead of doing a complete analysis.  His theory is that if you buy the house at the right price, you can absorb unanticipated repair costs and still make money.  This is certainly true in theory - but the reality is, if you bid at this level you'll almost never buy houses.....because someone who does a thorough analysis and knows what a safe high end price is will always outbid you.  Or even if you don't have any competition, your offer will look so low that the seller won't even consider it.

Now I have to admit that I used to use a modified version of the "3 cost" rule myself.  I'd pick a cost range and then make sure it looked like enough to cover the big repairs (like replacing windows and doors) + had some $s left for the minor items (like painting and yard cleanup).  If if didn't, I'd add $s to create an overall repair amount that I was more comfortable with.

But in the end, I was still "eyeballing it."  The result was almost constant worry from the time my offer was accepted thru the time the property was complete.  Would I make a profit?  Worse, did I even have enough $s to complete the project?  Were the finishes I could afford high enough quality to attract buyers or even good renters?

When I bought a property for around 50% of its true market value and based on this method predicted a 30% equity gain.....but ended up with around a 12% equity gain (that would have been almost completely wiped out had I sold the property), I decided enough was enough.  That's when I invested the time to create the Rehab Offer Calculator house flipping spreadsheet.

I've spent well over 100 hours of my time developing a solution to this you don't have to.

I started building my house flipping spreadsheet by creating a worksheet for each room I was likely to come across in the course of a fixer upper project....including a worksheet to capture mechanical repairs (like replacing a furnace) and outside repairs (like replacing a roof).

I then included selections for every repair that could be needed for each room.


The idea was to have a tool that would allow me to go room to room and compile a complete, accurate repair cost estimate for any property that I was considering.  So I also needed realistic labor and materials costs lists to work from.

I did a complete review of all the repair invoices I had, called all the contractors I had worked with and did extensive internet searches to gather as much cost data as I could.  Then I analyzed the results and put the most reasonable estimate of each cost in the labor and materials costs worksheets that I had created.

Now I had over a dozen room sheets that needed these costs to perform calculations and I wanted to make sure that I could quickly and easily change any cost.  So I linked all the formulas back to the labor and materials costs sheets....that way if I changed the cost on one sheet it would automatically carry over to every room that it applied to.  I also made sure that any measurements that needed to be input for the calculations were easy to do and didn't require me to remember how to do any type of conversion (like sq ft of carpet to sq yards).  This had to be a tool that I could just pick up and use......even if it had been months since I last used it.

Next I needed a way quickly calculate a safe offer price.  I added the Offer Calculator worksheet and included inputs for closing costs and holding costs to make sure no cost was left out.

Finally I wanted a way to track room by room and contractor costs.....and also simplify the materials ordering process.  I was struggling trying to make complete lists of everything my contractors needed and no matter how hard I tried, I seemed to be making countless trips to Home Depot....sometimes more than once in a day.

I added a Materials Order form that automatically compiles the quantity of each material needed for a project.  I also included the amount budgeted for each material so that I could easily see how the price at the store compared to what I had budgeted for each material.  I added Budget by Room and Contractor sheets so that I could easily see where $s were being spent.....and compare contractor estimates to the amount I had budgeted for each repair.

I now had a tool that I could use to instantly calculate repair costs and determine the right offer price for any fixer upper house.

Click here to see a step by step description videos on how use the Rehab Offer Calculator.

Using This Tool Gave Me the Confidence to Write More Offers and Bid Higher Confidently.....and Also Eliminated a Lot of the After Sale Stress I Had Been Experiencing.

Knowing that I had a systematic way to be sure that I had considered all repair, holding, closing and other costs not only gave me the ability to bid also allowed me to bid quickly.  I was no longer losing deals because it took me a day or more to figure out what my offer should be.

And my estimates were coming in very close to actual cost.  I'm embarrassed to tell you that I once ignored the results of my own spreadsheets (thinking the results looked too high and I could cut some costs) - only to spend within $500 of what the Rehab Offer Calculator had predicted - on a $22,000 rehab!

Once I started selling the Rehab Offer Calculator online, my Users related similar experiences.  One contractor in Connecticut told me that my estimate had come within $1200 of his - on a $35,000 project.  And he felt that most of the $1200 was due to having friends doing work.

How the Rehab Offer Calculator Spreadsheets Take the Risk out of Buying Fixer Upper Properties...

  • Estimate Repair Costs Like a Contractor, Even if You Don't Know Which End of the Screwdriver Does the Work - Anyone, even someone with no home repair or construction experience, can use it to accurately estimate the cost of all the repairs a fixer upper property needs and what the maximum offer for the property should be. Most inputs require you to just choose from a drop down or check a box to indicate that a repair is needed - I've eliminated the complicated time consuming measurements that other house flip and repair cost estimator tools need to work. Don't waste your time doing dozens of measurements in every property you consider.
  • Put a Complete Repair Estimate Together - As Quickly As You Can Walk thru a Property - 392 current Labor and Materials costs are included. These costs aren't just industry averages or some other vague number but rather actual labor and materials (mostly Home Depot) costs. The Regional Cost Adjustment feature allows you to adjust the estimate costs used to match costs in your area!
  • Stop Making a Hundred Trips to Home Depot - A materials order form including quantities and budgeted costs is automatically created. All you do is print it and take it with you....or use it to create an online order for the materials you need for the entire house in minutes.
  • Spend Time Buying & Selling Houses, Not Creating Spreadsheets - I've spent over 100 hours creating the ultimate house flipping spreadsheet tool so you don't have to. Spend your time looking for new properties or managing current projects instead of doing internet cost searches or calling contractors for price estimates..
  • Document Your Offer Price and Get More Offers Accepted - Dealing with a seller who thinks you're lowballing him? Show him the numbers! Most sellers drastically underestimate the amount of money its going to take to get their property back into shape. Once you show them the facts they can become more reasonable in a hurry. This approach has worked for me with banks them your offer includes room only for repairs, holding costs and a REASONABLE profit and your chances of getting your offer accepted instantly go up.
  • Stop Worrying That You're Paying Too Much for Repairs The Budget by Contractor feature allows you to easily compare your estimated amount to contractor bids. You'll know instantly whether or not the price a contractor is giving you is reasonable or not.

But Don't Just Take My Word for It..

I've been working on the Rehab Offer Calculator for over 5 years and have made a lot of improvements along the way that you'll benefit from.

Most of the ideas for improvements have come from my Users - people just like you who are buying fixer upper properties, fixing them up and creating wealth.  I've received a lot of positive feedback along with these are just a few examples.

Frank Spinelli

You’ve developed a great tool for any real estate investor who is
buying properties to rehab.  I used it on a rehab
project that I was working on personally and was amazed at how
easy it was to use.  It also saved me tons of time
evaluating the project and putting together a reasonable

Frank Spinelli, Real Estate Investor and Former Real Estate Broker, Strongsville Ohio

I really like your workbook!  The concept is great and your finished product seems to be very useful. I like the ease of use and think your strategy of using it to quickly evaluate a potential rehab purchase is great!

I was a building contractor 30 years ago but since then I’ve been working in Logistics in the Electronics and Pharmaceuticals industries. I’ll be retiring in 6 months and plan to buy a few houses to rehab for rental income with the potential to sell at a later date when the economy improves. I know your workbook will prove invaluable.

BTW – I think it is great that you took the initiative to offer your file for sale to the public at such a reasonable price. It has to take a lot of your time to manage questions,etc.

Jerome Mettetal, Piney Flats, TN

The Rehab Offer Calculator is an exceptional tool to have.

It provides upfront vital information necessary in evaluating a property for rehab or investment often overlooked.  All of this by the end of your initial property walk through.

It’s that simple. As a Rehabber myself I am very glad I have this calculator, it delivers quick vital numbers and saves me a great deal of time.I strongly recommend it to any beginner or seasoned real estate investor or rehabber.

Thank you!


Ed Segarra, President, Brandywine Investments LLC, Downingtown PA

Satisfaction Guarantee

  1. 100% No Questions Asked NO TIME LIMIT Money Back Guarantee.  If at any time you don’t feel as though you got full value from the Rehab Offer Calculator, let me know and I’ll refund the purchase price.
  2. The “Best Tool” guarantee.  Find a better tool at the same or less cost and I’ll not only refund your purchase price – I’ll buy the other tool for you!
just $99

Here's How to Order

Click on the Download Full Version Link below to make your payment of $99 using any major credit card.

This is a one time payment for a key that will unlock the Trial Version of the Rehab Offer Calculator permanently– there are no hidden subscriptions or other payments to make.

You’ll immediately be emailed a link to use to download the key to unlock the Rehab Offer Calculator.  A back up flash drive including all the Rehab Offer Calculator files and User Guides will be shipped to you in 3-5 business days.

Begin using the unlimited version of the Rehab Offer Calculator within minutes of your order (it only requires Microsoft Excel version 97-2003 or newer to run) – If your Trial Version is locked and you had entered data into it, you’ll now be able to access that data again.


Still not Convinced?

CONSIDER THIS:  Construction cost estimating software can cost $600 or more, be difficult if not impossible for anyone without 10 years experience in construction to use, and doesn’t have the maximum offer price or rent vs. expense calculators that are included in the Rehab Offer Calculator

You could certainly build your own spreadsheet application, but consider that it took me over 100 hours to build the Rehab Cost Calculator ….and I’ve been using Excel every day for years.

Even if your Excel skills are excellent and you could build this spreadsheet much quicker than me (say in 40 hours), consider the cost of your time to do this.  If you earn $40,000/year for example, your time is worth about $20/hr.   Spending 40 hours building  the Rehab Cost Calculator would cost you $800 – even more if you earn in excess of $40,000/yr or don’t have advanced Excel Skills.  And don’t forget that you’d also have to have the same experience I do rehabbing houses….so you’d have to have taken at least one loss on a project, which would likely cost you thousands more!

But you won’t have to spend thousands or $800 or $600 on a tool that will help you avoid overspending on a fixer upper property.  You won’t even have to spend anywhere near that..….the Rehab Offer Calculator is just $99.

AND To sweeten the deal even more, I’ll throw in absolutely free Rehab Offer Calculator upgrades + a free back up flash drive shipped to you at no additional cost. I use the Rehab Offer Calculator in my real estate business so it’s almost guaranteed that I’m going to find other features to add to it – you’ll get these features absolutely free even if I raise the price of the Calculator in the future!  To upgrade at any time, you simple download the latest trial version - it will automatically unlock on any computer that you've installed the registration key on.